Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mimicking Our Hunter-Gatherer Ancestors is Good for Our Health.

This is a concisely written article about the health benefits of looking to the daily behaviors of our hunter-gatherer ancestors as role models for health and longevity. Our bodies developed over millennia to support an outdoor and active lifestyle. Most of us living in contemporary societies rarely perform daily physical activities outdoors, yet the sun, the air, the grass and the dirt all play important rolls in revitalizing our physical and mental wellbeing. Take a moment to read the article below:

The beautiful thing is that we have the power to change our patterns of behavior. If you rarely venture outdoors to be physical, why not start with setting time aside three to four times a week just to take a 15 - 20 minute walk outside? You can also plan special outings on weekends to take a walk on the beach, go for a hike or participate in an outdoor sport. If you have a dog take her to the park or play with her in your backyard. Kids are also a great way to get some outdoor play. When was the last time you played freeze tag, hopscotch or raced down the street? These are all wonderful, simple and doable ways to incorporate outdoor activity into daily life. 

Get creative! We welcome comments about the things you do to stay active outdoors as well as thoughtful suggestions for those that are new to outdoor activities.

Now go outside and have some fun! It’s good for you. 

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